Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, involves exposing the body or areas of the body to extremely low temperatures . This cold therapy has benefits varying from cosmetic enhancement to athletic recovery. At StudioYou, we use it for both to renew and rejuvenate our guest. From cryo slimming of stubborn body fat and skin tightening to targeting inflammation in injured tissue to decrease recovery time, we've got you covered.
Cosmetic cryotherapy has varying results for everyone. It is only recommended as a tool for people that live a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, proper hydration, and proper activity level. It aids in fat loss and anti aging, but is not recommended for weight loss. Contact us directly for information on how it can support your cosmetic or fitness goals. Call or text 302-342-4249 or book a consult below.

The Cryo Wave by CryoScience is a non invasive option that maximizes results by honing in on a specific area rather than full body immersion. Similar in size and process to an ultra sound machine, it offers the benefits of cold therapy in a more targeted way. With additional precision attachments we are able to target small areas such as face and neck with more accuracy.
The CryoWave revitalizes skin by triggering the production of collagen to tighten skin and diminish cellulite. This non invasive procedure can smooth wrinkles to create healthier and younger looking skin. The process of both cold and hot therapy that the CryoWave produces will increase blood flow to the target area which will also help in minimizing inflammation. Skin tightening and firming treatments are recommended 2 times a week for 6 treatments in total for maximum results.

Cryotherapy is a non surgical, cosmetic procedure where we target areas of the body with loose, wrinkled or sagging skin and excess fat. This extended exposure and compounded treatment sessions target the area with a combination of hot and cold therapy to accelerate metabolism, tighten skin and destroy fat cells, revealing muscle tone. Results and amount of sessions needed vary from person to person. We recommend booking a trial session or consultation to discuss. New guest are recommended to start with 1 session every 2 weeks for 4-6 sessions to promote maximum results.
The benefits of cryotherapy on athletic recovery are unmatched. The increased blood flow from targeting injuries or damaged tissue can greatly decrease recovery time and improve tissue repair. Inflammation causes loss of mobility which can lead to further injury or loss of range. The CryoWave's added warming function aids in the flushing of toxins and cellular waste that create this inflammation. From decreased healing time to decreased effect of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), cryotherapy could be the tool you have been missing.